Greetings of the Season!

As I reflected on 2019 and thoughts I wanted to share, I found this saying in one of my morning meditation books – “Each person’s life is like the pattern of a mosaic. Each thing that happens to you is like one tiny stone in the mosaic, and each tiny stone fits into the perfected pattern of the mosaic of your life.” That saying stayed with me and I found myself thinking of the mosaics of 2019. I am loving the texture of my life in the northwoods living close to nature. It resonates with my soul. I love paddling, biking and hiking and being more in tune with the rhythms of life there. After three phenomenal Red Kayak Institute retreats this year, our board made a difficult decision to dissolve RKI, letting it go when it’s in high tide.  We have done amazing work these last 8 years taking people on the water to receive the healing benefits of kayaking. I am so grateful that RKI has been a pebble in the pond with ripples that have helped so many. Thank you to all of you who have supported RKI over the years.  We couldn’t have done this life changing work without your encouragement and backing.  If you have selected RKI as a charity of choice on Amazon Smile, please remove us from that list. I will be seeking out opportunities to continue on my own, creating a new mosaic to collaborate with non-profits that might benefit from adding kayaking to their retreats. My new website is in formation and will be The red kayak always goes with me. I tried this year to commit to “Writin’ Wednesdays” which did not unfold as I had hoped. Too many things in the mixture of the year to allow space for clarity of thought. I realized I need more focus, so next year I am going to immerse myself in the philosophy and simplicity of one of my favorites, Henry David Thoreau. As I paddle, I will ponder his insights of our connection to nature, formulating the design of my next book. I am beginning my journey with Thoreau at Walden Pond this Thanksgiving, to be in his space, walk in his woods, see his cabin and be near the rivers he paddled. I am looking forward to my time with Henry. In 2019 I made a commitment to be the architect of my own recovery. To let the dust of all the changes in recent years settle, and to come to the understanding of patterns in my life, those that serve me well and those not so well. It has been at times, an arduous inner journey, but worth the trip. I still struggle to feel content with being away and keeping connected to those I love, while honoring the voice of my own soul.  I am blessed with so many fabulous people across the country who are essential pieces of my tapestry and vital parts of the ever-evolving design of my life. Although it will probably always be a challenge, I continue to seek a new rhythm of connectedness that feels right. It’s progress, not perfection! As we come to the close of 2019, I wish you time to reflect on the assortment of people, circumstances and feelings that comprise the tapestry of your life. I am grateful for each and everyone one of you and I wish you peace and harmony this holiday season and in 2020. May you continue to unfold into the beautiful mosaic that is you!

Stay tuned for updated red kayak news and always keep paddlin’ on…



1 thought on “Greetings of the Season!”

  1. Mar – Very moving and thoughtful assessment of your life and words we should all listen to and consider in our souls.

    Wishing you the best this holiday season and in 2020.

    Kind regards and keep on paddling’ 🙂

    Paul Szalko

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