Reflections from the Red Kayak
This question is the opening quote of my new book, Paddlin’ with Thoreau, the 4th one in my Reflections from the Red Kayak series. The pictures above are a selection from the amazing excursions I took on my journeys to Henry’s turf in New England. As many of you know, I published the book in April of this year and was fortunate to have the opportunity to launch my book with the students at Thoreau College in Viroqua, Wisconsin. Yes, there really is a Thoreau College in my home state which provided the perfect venue for the book launch! I also did three book talks here in the northwoods this summer which was great fun and I Thoreau-ly enjoyed getting Henry’s message out there. Here is a link to my presentation which is on You Tube on the Boulder Junction library website: and the book is for sale on Amazon. My journey with Henry was the highlight of this year. Thanks to so many of you who purchased the book, wrote reviews on Amazon and came to my presentations. I deeply appreciate your support of my work.
I took the summer off after the intense writing over the winter and enjoyed paddling many new lakes and visiting with friends and family. It is my hope to get back to more consistent writing of my newsletters next year.
My word for 2023 was TENDERNESS and my mantra was, “Paddlin’ on tenderly, in 2023…” Although not always successful, I tried to approach all of my life’s circumstances with tenderness. It was helpful to keep that word front and center. When I struggled, I turned, as I always do, to the water. “I go to the lake for a compass reading, to orient myself in the midst of change,” writes Terry Tempest Williams in her book, Refuge.The water has always been a refuge for me, and I was honored to be able to share that with others this summer, facilitating two kayaking retreats for cancer survivors and their caregivers. The water provides such a healing space. A tender place. Filled with grace.
The opening quote of the book also leads me to my word for next year, COMPASSION. If we could all look through each others eyes for an instant, it would be amazing to see what the world could be if we were all moved by more compassion.
Some of Henry’s last words were, “Now comes good sailing….” In my eyes, he was a boatman until the end. I love that about him. Echoing his sentiments, my mantra for this year is, “Now comes good paddlin’ offshore, in 2024…” He and I will continue our book journey wherever it leads. It is also my intention to seek out new opportunities to deepen my compassion. I will be exploring volunteering for hospice and helping to facilitate healing programs, including a “healing on the water” kayaking retreat next summer. We need so much healing today. Life’s joys and struggles are part of our shared human condition. As I paddle 2024’s uncharted waters, I want to continue to bring value and answer the question Mary Oliver writes in her poem, The Summer Day – “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

I love this picture. The two of them. Looking forward through each other’s eyes. Tender compassion. Put your arm around someone and look out together. It might be amazing what your shared vision will reveal. Have a wonderful holiday season and wishing you all of life’s very best in the coming year. Keep paddlin’ on…
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