Be the Flowing Water…

If rivers come out of their icy prison thus bright and immortal,

shall not I too resume my spring life with joy and hope?”

Journal29 February 1852

-Henry David Thoreau

From his journal entry on leap year day, 1852, Henry David Thoreau brings us wisdom for today. The frozen river melts to become clear, flowing water, filled with life, joy and hope.  168 years later, his insights still guide us.

I awoke this morning with anxiety of the impending news of the day. In my last piece I wrote about the power of one. One small change that can have a huge impact.  In our new corona virus focused world, what can one person do?

To center myself, I head to nature and the hiking trail. I stop at a stagnant pond.  Staring into its murky eyes, I am reminded of the wonderful book by Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages of Water. According to Wikipedia, Emoto felt that water was a “blueprint for our reality” and that emotional “energies” and “vibrations” could change the physical structure of water. His research concluded that within the molecules of clear flowing water, beautiful well-formed crystals could be seen, but in stagnant or polluted water, the crystals were distorted and damaged.


One deformed stagnant crystal…

Through the barren trees, I looked again into the motionless pond, and wondered, is this our state of humanity right now?

Emoto’s research claimed that by sending positive thoughts and words to glasses of stagnant water, the crystals would change from defective to beautifully formed, healthy crystals. So I began to wonder, what does that mean for us in this time, as we globally confront the corona virus pandemic. Our bodies are 70% water most of our lives. How can we become a healthy, clear, flowing river of life again?


One clear beautifully shaped crystal…

Overnight we have gone from human touch to virtual contact. Over the last few days, I have had many conversations with loved ones, and we have Skyped and Zoomed. I can see the creases of worry on their brows, the haunting look of uncertainty in their eyes. But then we are grateful to see each other’s smiles, and a twinkle comes into our eyes at the sound of our voices. It is our new way of connecting. For the moment, we are safe in each other’s gaze. Relieved to see each other. In this way, we are helping each other through.

I have been reading things that people are doing. A local area crafter is making masks for health care workers instead of her usual line of work, making floral wreaths. A nurse in a critical care unit in New Jersey connects with families on her I-Pad who have loved ones in quarantine on ventilators. She puts the I-Pad into a plastic bag and takes it into the patients. Although they can’t respond, their loved ones can see them and the patient can hear their voices. On a larger scale, Germany is now taking in corona virus patients from Italy to help them because they have room in their hospitals.

Stories like these abound amidst all the negativity of the news and the rising gloomy statistics. People are calibrating higher and doing what they can in their own way to help.

The deadly virus numbers are climbing exponentially, but good vibrations can do the same and have a more powerful impact. One of my favorite authors, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, often quoted research by Dr. David Hawkins, who for 29 years researched how each individual’s level of energy impacts the world. Just like Emoto, his research emphasized the power of positive thoughts, of kindness, gratitude and love.

In Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins writes: “In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for everyone. We all float on the collective level of consciousness of mankind, so that any increment we add comes back to us. We all add to our common buoyancy by our efforts to benefit life. It is a scientific fact that what is good for you is good for me.”


Dr. Dyer comments, “In essence, every single person, as well as large groups of people, can be calibrated for their energy levels. Hawkins tells us that approximately 87 percent of humanity calibrates at a collective energy level that weakens them.”  I found the following statistic from Hawkins’ research amazing:

One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism

and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance

the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.


There are approximately 460 names on the mailing list for this newsletter. Of that number, about 72% of you open and read this, which is 331 people. So if all you 331 and me, 332, could focus our energy on optimism and hope instead of distress, could we each really impact 90,000 people? That would be almost 30 million people! If Hawkins’ research is correct, it is not a one positive to one negative ratio. Rather one positive to 90,000 negatives! Wow! What an impact! Just as the virus can grow exponentially, we, too, can exponentially counter balance the negativity with positive energy. In our own small way, we become part of the solution and not the problem.


They are telling us that the next few weeks are going to be very terrible as the virus tightens its grip. Now, more than ever, we need more of us to calibrate higher…in our thoughts, words and actions. We have a lot of fear to overcome.


Whether or not you believe Emoto’s or Hawkins’ research, it is worth a try. If those of you reading this and me, can impact 30 million people, can we impact 60 million if each one of you passes along this message to ONE person?



One healthy water crystal from a defective one…

Thoreau’s opening quote reminds us that “rivers come out of their icy prisons bright and immortal.” If we become healthy, our planet can become healthy.


One thought or act of kindness to offset the negativity…

Come paddlin’ on with me. Out of stagnation to become a beautiful crystal. Out of the fear and negativity to kindness and compassion and a renewed sense of hope.  Let us all begin.  The world needs us now. Dig your paddle in deep. Calibrate higher. I am willing to give it a try, are you? 

What can you do each day, to calibrate higher?

In every situation, how can you bring kindness?

What are you most grateful for? Keep a daily list. 

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