Author name: Mary Anne Smrz

Healing on the Water: Cancer Survivors’ and Caregivers Kayak Retreat

Saturday, September 3, 7:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. Marywood Spirituality Center, Arbor Vitae Facilitator: Author and Kayaker Mary Anne Smrz “Change: Our Ever-Present Companion” is the theme of this retreat. Mary Anne takes cancer survivors and their caregivers on the water for a much-needed “pause,” to allow time and space to reconnect with self and nature and a

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Healing on the Water: Cancer Survivors’ and Caregivers Kayak Retreat

Saturday, September 3, 7:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. Marywood Spirituality Center, Arbor Vitae Facilitator: Author and Kayaker Mary Anne Smrz “Change: Our Ever-Present Companion” is the theme of this retreat. Mary Anne takes cancer survivors and their caregivers on the water for a much-needed “pause,” to allow time and space to reconnect with self and nature and a

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Pastor’s Paddle

On June 25, 2022, on a calm, peaceful Saturday morning on the shores of Trout Lake at the Marywood Spirituality Center, six ministers gathered for a unique kayaking retreat. The group listened to an opening talk on Change: Our Ever-Present Companion, paddled, pondered and journaled in silence for two hours on the water, and shared

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Reflections from the Red Kayak “Life isn’t about finding yourself; it’s about creating yourself.” Henry David Thoreau Author I love paddling with a purpose. Sometimes, the purpose is simply to head out onto the water and enjoy the beauty of nature. Other times, I like the time on the water to have more depth and

Bittersweet… Read More »

Panta Rhei

Reflections from the Red Kayak “Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows.” Henry David Thoreau Author Greetings from the Red Kayak! It is amazing how quickly time passes and how long it has been since I have sent out a reflection. My life has been flowing in wonderful, adventurous

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