If you are one of the people who has often said, “I’d love to write a book…” and that’s where it stops, this is your chance to have an essay published in my next book, Mum’s the Word…Reflections from Many Colorful Kayaks. Your challenge is to write a drabble, an essay of exactly 100 words (including title), based on the kayak filled with mums photo prompt above. It can be funny, serious, insightful, a poem…whatever “floats your boat.” Tips for writing a drabble: Use the title of the story to serve as the first line of the story. Write an interesting first line after (and separate from) the title. Write a story that is essentially one long sentence, extending from the first line.
TITLE ________________________________________________________________________________
Name as you would like it to appear in the book ___________________________________________________________
*By submitting your essay, you are granting permission to have your essay published in Mum’s the Word…Reflections from Many Colorful Kayaks. Submit to info@redkayak.net. Thank you for your submission. Please include your mailing address to receive a copy of the book when complete.
Great idea, Mary Anne, to invite drabble submissions to create a book. May we submit more than one drabble?